Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Puer Tea & King of the Fruits

When eating King of the Fruits ( Durain) you cannot drink beer or any other acohol, as you will be die....after test tasting a few time with raw n ripe puer tea, I found the ripe puer tea the best to drink after eating durain. 

My favourite durain stall at OUG wet market, i selected 3 choice 101, kwai Fei and Hong har

Kwai Fei, yellowish red nice color, strong aroma taste good..

101 the taste strong n bitter, it is a favourite taste for Annie..

Hong Har or red shrimp, reddish color, soft sweet flesh that melt in the mouth easily.. 

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Tony,

    Would like to meetup with u one of these days to learn more on puer from u.

    Terry Chiew
